5 Steps to streamlining your holiday list

Hi All

We are nearly halfway through December and we are deep into holiday prep. If you’re like us, you may feel like you are being pulled in a variety of directions - work, school, parties, holiday prep, and more. This week we are sharing 5 steps to streamline and prioritize your to do list this holiday season.

Step #1 - Make a dump list.

If you think you need to do it, put it on the list.

Step #2 - What can you eliminate?

Take a harsh look at your list and decide what really needs to get done. If it is not necessary then get rid of it.

Step #3 - Ask whether this needs to be done now?

Is there a deadline or a timing to this list item. If so, you may need to keep it. But if it can wait, then intentionally move it to a space when you have more time after the holidays.

Step #4 - Delegate.

Does this need to be done by you? If not, DELEGATE! Set measurable goals and deadlines so you can ensure it gets done, just not by you.

Step #5 - Calendar the tasks that remain.

Schedule time to do the items on your list and stick to it.

We can’t wait to hear if these five steps help you streamline your to do list this holiday season.

Have a great day!

Haley and Amy

Please keep in mind that your jurisdiction will have rules of professional conduct that you must follow. This discussion does not focus on the any such rules, including the rules from the jurisdiction where we practice. Rather this is a discussion of tips we have found helpful in managing client expectations in our own experiences. This should not be taken as legal advice.

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