Is today a bad day for a big decision?

Hi All,

This time of year has suddenly become very busy for us and we have heard from many of you that the same is true. That got us thinking about decision making, specifically big decisions. Not every day is the same when decision making is concerned. Here is a framework to help you decide whether today is a good day or a bad day to make a big decision.

Question 1 - Am I making a reactive decision to a temporary problem?

Being in the middle of a temporary problem is not always the best place to make a big permanent decision. Before you make a decision you first want to identify whether you are reacting to a temporary problem? If so, maybe that is a decision you want to hold off on until the temporary problem has resolved.

Question 2 - Do I have enough information to make this decision?

There are decisions that require a lot of information. Do you have everything you need to know in order to make the decision? If not, you cannot make the decision but you can make a plan to obtain the necessary information. This helps prioritize what is going on and will help move you toward a decision, although probably not today.

Be aware not to try to collect so much information that you develop “analysis paralysis.” Rather, identify what you need to know and then seek it out.

Question 3 - Am I feeling overwhelmed?

Acknowledging that you are feeling overwhelmed can help you defer a decision that is just too important to make right now. Maybe you have someone in your life that you could speak to about the decision to help you through it. But trying to make a big decision amidst overwhelm can be challenging. In that situation, consider deferring your decision until you get in a better head space.

Question 4 - Is there anyone else that needs to weigh in on this decision?

Many times big decisions impact the lives of others and they need to be a part of the process. Open up to them and work with them, instead of getting in too deep in yourself. This person might also offer you the perspective you need to agree on a decision.

Question 5 - Am I too exhausted to make this decision?

Similar to making a decision from a feeling of overwhelm, making a decision when you are tired or exhausted is not the best time. You don’t have an accurate perception of the decision you need to make and its impact.

How are you handling big decision making? Let us know!

Have a great day!

Haley and Amy

Please keep in mind that your jurisdiction will have rules of professional conduct that you must follow. This discussion does not focus on the any such rules, including the rules from the jurisdiction where we practice. Rather this is a discussion of tips we have found helpful in managing client expectations in our own experiences. This should not be taken as legal advice.

We make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice you will make any money or improve current profit, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business or career. Primarily, results will depend on the business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

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