Networking Reflection

Hi All,

Even though we may not be students anymore, the transition from summer to fall still feels like the beginning of a new chapter to us. We think this is the perfect opportunity for some networking reflection.

To do this, we have a simple four question model that will guide us through the reflection into a plan for the rest of the calendar year.

Question 1

What types of referral am I asked for?

Reflect on the last six months, what types of referrals have you been asked for? What types of professionals have your clients needed? When your networking contacts ask you for a referral, who are they looking for?

This question will help you first identify how you can be most helpful to the people in your professional network.

Question 2

Do I have these professionals in my network already?

Taking your answer to question 1, look at the referrals you made. Where you able to make referrals within your established network? Did you move outside of your network?

This question will help you identify whether you have connections with the people that your professional network is looking to be connected with.

Question 3

What types of professionals refer to me?

Now you are going to look to your incoming referrals, specifically the sources. Who most often refers to you? What types of professionals are they? Where are your potential clients looking when they are connected to you?

This question will help you identify more specifically the sources of business coming into you.

Question 4

How can I strengthen and grow those relationships?

Here you want to identify the places that your referral sources congregate. This will vary between industries and practice.

This question will help you identify where the people are that you want to connect with.

Now you are ready to synthesize your information and make a plan. Depending on your personal responses you may seek to focus on developing more referral sources or perhaps professionals to whom you can refer clients. Perhaps you now wish to broaden your base of contacts in a specific profession. You may also wish to deepen relationships with your existing contacts. Mostly likely, you are looking for some combination. This time of year is great for making that intentional plan as you look to the coming year.

Have a great day!

Haley & Amy

Please keep in mind that your jurisdiction will have rules of professional conduct that you must follow. This discussion does not focus on the any such rules, including the rules from the jurisdiction where we practice. Rather this is a discussion of tips we have found helpful in managing client expectations in our own experiences. This should not be taken as legal advice.

We make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice you will make any money or improve current profit, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business or career. Primarily, results will depend on the business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

Nothing contained within this podcast is intended or should be construed to be legal advice and does not create any attorney client relationship. No material on this site, social media, or in the podcast is intended to be a substitute for professional medical and/or mental health advise, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advise your physician or other qualified provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


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