Networking With Confidence

Hi All,

Networking is something that professionals think about regularly because it is critical to a successful practice. Yet, it can be intimidating, overwhelming, and time consuming. Do you feel like networking does not come naturally to you? You are not alone!

As mentally challenging as networking can be - this is particularly true for newer professionals. Many experienced practicing attorneys grapple with imposter syndrome and networking, so it is not surprising that this is even more true when you working to establish yourself as a new professional.

One of the biggest pitfalls in preparing to network is feeling as though you do not have anything valuable to offer your prospective network. However, everyone has something to offer.

Let’s try that again…

YOU have something to offer your network!

A law student, with no practical experience, just looking for a first job - a chance - an opportunity - has value to bring to their network. Remember this - if a prospective employer is bringing you in for an interview they need something too. Depending on the position, an inexperienced candidate may bring more value to the table by exhibiting life experience, a good attitude, and a drive to learn compared with someone that has the job experience but a poor attitude or no passion for the field.

So how can you network more confidently?


First take some time to think about who you are and what you want. Then think of questions that may naturally flow from your experience and interests and how you may respond.

While you are preparing - prepare to be on time by knowing where you need to go and what time you need to get there. If the event is virtual, then make sure all of your tech is charged and working. Anywhere that is in possible view of your camera should be clean and professional.

We are going to be working on more tips for successful networking. In the meantime, we would love to know if you have any questions about networking successfully and with confidence. Feel free to email us at or reach out to us on Instagram @lawyerswholaunch.

Thank you!

Haley & Amy

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